SALT is committed to equip and train young preteens for ministry. Part of the fun and appeal for children is ministry training time during the program. Our ministry teams include; Praise & Worship, Production, Puppets, Tech, Evangelism and Cam Tech. Most ministry teams require one Sunday serving in Kidz Church at 11:00am. All SALTies who are on a ministry team will serve one other Sunday each month as a shepherd in Kidz Church. If two Sundays of serving on a Ministry Team are missed, the SALTy will forfeit their spot on their Ministry team.
Sign Up
Ministry Team sign-ups for Fall 2024 will open for the 5th grade SALTies who have said their Wordless Book on September 4th. It will open for all 4th grade SALTies on September 18th. (See below for a sample of saying the Wordless Book.) Before joining a Ministry team each SALTy must have been signed off as saying the full Wordless Book to a leader. Once a SALTy has said their Wordless Book they will receive a post card recognizing their accomplishment and providing instructions for signing up. The link will be provided below for sign up!
Praise and Worship (8) Learn the songs and hand motions that will be used on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights in Kidz Church. Help lead the songs in Kidz Church once a month.
Production (3) The production team will learn ProPresenter 7 and other computer programs and will get hands on experience with putting together the presentations and slides used in Hope Theater during the Wednesday night and Sunday morning programs.
Tech Team (4) Learn all the ins and outs of the behind the scenes workings of Kidz Church. One Sunday a month you will serve in Kids Church along side the Tech Director and put into action what you are learning.
Evangelism (8) Students may stay in the evangelism ministry full time. These students will help in teaching the Wordless Book to new students and will have the opportunity to observe and then assist adult leaders when students come back during the invitation.
Puppets (8) Students will learn the art of puppetry and present programs once a month on the 3rd Sunday in Kidz Church at 11:00. Bringing a song, Biblical idea or Bible Story to life with props (puppets, gloves, black light, sticks, costumes, shadow drama, etc.) and/or movements to bring attention to the meaning or idea. This may include live speaking parts, it might include someone prerecording a sound track, or using a song. The team members will be able to contribute with ideas and suggestions.
Cam Tech (3) Learn how to take great video and pictures of what goes on in Children's Ministry Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Once a month serve in Kidz Church using iphones and different electronic devices to accomplish this.
Creative Design (3) We will learn how to use everyday items to design sets and atmospheres that will create excitement and support the presentation of the Gospel to others.
Wordless Book Presentation
This is a sample video presentation. The SALTies are NOT expected to do word for word, but a clear enough Gospel Presentation that someone could make a decision to follow Christ as their Lord and Savior. Below is the check off sheet that a leader will use when they say their presentation.